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Why Studying Hospitality and Tourism Management Major

As we all know, hospitality and tourism have become a major source of income for all countries in the 21st century. Focusing on the United Arab Emirates’ market, according to WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council, in 2016 travel and tourism directly supported 317,500 jobs (5.4% of total employment) in UAE. This is expected to rise by 2.4% pa to 410,000 jobs (5.9% of total employment) by 2027 in the United Arab Emirates. For such reasons, colleges and universities in the country have started to give new training courses and majors related to the tourism and hotel management field. But, what is the benefit of studying such a program? And what are the jobs graduates can expect in the future? In this short article, these two questions will be discussed.

No one can deny the benefits graduates can gain from pursuing such major after graduation in one of the colleges or universities in Sharjah. One of these benefits is the unlimited job opportunities they can get. The course prepares the graduate to explore successful careers and to grow in the long run. It also polishes their skills to meets market demand and exceptional growth in the air-transport, accommodation, tour operation, cruise companies, event management, catering companies, museums and cultural venues, and retail sectors. Some of the jobs graduates can expect are accommodation manager, catering manager, conference center manager, event manager, fast food restaurant manager, hotel manager, public house manager, restaurant manager, air cabin crew, business development manager, customer service manager, fire risk assessor, health service manager, human resources officer, marketing executive, retail manager, tour manager and tourism officer.

Another benefit is by getting jobs related to hotels or restaurants, graduates will have the chance to travel abroad and see other cultures and learn a lot from them. Also, they will learn the needed skills for their careers such as leadership, teamwork, organization, communication skills and time management and these skills are needed in any industry. Other skills to be learned are customer service skills, cultural awareness, multitasking skills, work ethics, language skills like English, French and Spanish, adaptability, professionalism, friendliness, initiative, decision making and problem-solving skills. On top, it teaches students the importance of tourism, and how to get customers’ attention to have a good experience on things that they haven’t realized it is important in their lives. The course also directs students on how to deal with travelers’ customs, how to run hotels and restaurants effectively. Moreover, working on tourism means no routine work. It is a mixture of doing desk work, answering phone calls, organizing events, working with other colleagues, and speaking to different customers from many nationalities on daily basis. So, no boredom is experienced in such jobs and more skills are gained too.

In conclusion, to be successful in life, it is important to choose the right major according to the market need. Studying this major will help graduates to be successful in this industry, and they will be equipped with the needed soft skills and hard skills to fly into glory, and the good news is, Skyline University College has this major. There are core courses that include Foundations of Tourism, Management of Travel and Tours, Front Office Management, E – Tourism, Food & Beverage Services and Management and elective courses such as Event Management, Tourism and Hospitality Marketing and Impacts of Tourism.

For more information about this major, please visit our website, call our customer service at +971 6 544 11 55 or simply send an enquiry email at You can also download the course curriculum by using this link: BBA Concentration in Tourism and Hospitality Management. So, what are you waiting for, register now and reserve your place to success.

College Life in the Age of Covid-19

Covid-19 has brought a change to university students on how they used to spend their time on campus by getting involved in various kinds of extracurricular activities, entertainment, sports activities and charitable fundraising activities that were a common sight at the university campus pre-Covid-19. It is hard to believe that COVID-19 has brought the whole world to a standstill including the advanced nations wherein everyone just feels that it is a havoc that has not been witnessed in human history in the last 100 years.

The evolving technology and innovative disruptions have made things move forward from a regular mode to a radically and digitally transformed virtual learning platform which can be easily seen in top colleges and business schools in the UAE. COVID-19 has made the high school and university students’ jobs very challenging, particularly in choosing a university with a question in their mind: Which university should I join?  Which is the best MBA program in UAE? Which are the top master’s and bachelor’s programs in the UAE? Which BBA and MBA ranking to follow out of several rankings available? And the list continues.

The teens are looking into possibilities of whether they will be able to get a job and be able to commit full-time, depending on the mercy of intermittent lockdowns imposed to stop the spread of the virus in and around the university campuses and also in the city in general.  The students who have been fond of being social and quite interactive with friends and faculty members are really missing the opportunities to fulfill their socializing aspirations which in fact is causing them great mental stresses ultimately.

There is a big number of students looking forward to second best scenarios or alternative options of continuing remote learning by using virtual platforms. In the UAE, COVID-19 pandemic has really impacted universities and schools as it did across the world, though the government machinery remains committed to tackling the situation in the best possible manner. In these tough times, there is a need for extraordinary approaches in dealing with the calamity. All of the aforesaid issues have given rise to a situation wherein blended learning and staggered classes for high school as well as university students are being resorted to. It is also important to note that the UAE has fully implemented the SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) and taken all necessary efforts making UAE schools and universities safe and conducive to learning.

The following options are available for the students of UAE.

They can choose from variety of splendid options available locally like pursuing a bachelor of business administration degree in international business. There are several institutions in UAE offering this degree program. Moreover, the students who graduated in 2020 and also in 2021 might be in a dilemma whether to take up a job which may not be very exciting due to current environmental and job market situations, may get promising options for obtaining MBA from CAA-accredited institutions in the UAE. It is useful to note here that several UAE-based institutions have started to offer scholarship programs for non-local students too, which is a welcoming step towards establishing UAE as an education hub fostering the attainment of a knowledge-based economy status. Some learners or professionals might also look forward to doing short online courses with certification from coveted universities in the UAE.

Furthermore, there are a lot of young entrepreneurs and employees who lost their jobs or experienced business failures who are looking for the options related to reskilling themselves with the contemporary and most sought-after skills. There is a good news for these people as they have an option to come back to the Continuous Learning Centers of universities where they can upgrade themselves at affordable cost. Some fortunate people might also look for a very different approach by staying at home and taking care of family members with a chance to spend a few months with just family and friends.


Developing Speaking Skills

PRACTICE. That one word sums up how you will become proficient in public speaking.

Speaking up in class is always a rather daunting prospect. Quite apart from the idea that we have that we might not know the correct answer, or our fear that people will laugh at us if we do not know the exact answer, is the fear that we won’t pronounce words correctly or we might stutter. Even worse, someone may interrupt us as we are speaking and we could lose our train of thought and look foolish and become embarrassed. Have I just typed out your literal nightmare? Believe it or not, this is a common stressor among the student body.

It takes a lot out of us in terms of energy and courage to speak up in class. In fact, it takes a lot out of us to speak up in any situation. Unless we are one of the small percentage of super confident individuals, we all struggle to some degree. Fear, shyness, possible embarrassment, not fitting in with the accent and/or correct word choice are all fears that most people face. This is especially so for those of us who are not learning in our first language.

So how does one go about developing speaking skills in the classroom? This takes me back to my first word in this blog. PRACTICE. In the current climate in education, most classes are online. It is easy to record and re-listen to the material being taught. If you don’t feel confident asking a question as the lecture is happening, take a moment to note down the point at which you need to re-watch the lecture and you can frame your question in a no-stress environment later. This will give you a chance to think about what you need to ask and the way in which you need to ask it. Listen to the way in which your teacher has spoken. Listen to the way in which your classmates have answered or asked questions. Model your own speech patterns on that. In this way, you will start on a small scale and build up your skills as time passes.

Once you know what you want to say, say it! It might sound silly, but the mirror is your best friend here. If you have family members who are willing to be an audience for you, then go ahead, use them. If, however, you prefer to start on your own, use your mirror. Practice asking what you need to ask a few times. Each time you will see that your speech pattern will become clearer. This in no way means that you will suddenly be confident in the classroom. I’m afraid that is a subject so huge it would be the content of an entire blog post.

Once you have asked those first few questions, you will naturally feel safer asking questions as the semester progresses. Start to become involved in class discussions. Make one or two points to start. See how your classmates and your teacher respond to your points. If your teacher is a good one, they will guide you in a supportive a safe manner through the process. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarifications. A good teacher never moans about going over material for a second or third time. This could all build up to your needing to design and deliver a presentation to the class.

For the presentation, ensure that you understand the topic thoroughly. You don’t need to be distracted by the content material if you are struggling with speaking skills. Once you have the topic, plan your presentation effectively. Know what you want to say and know when you want to say it. If you feel it necessary, have cue cards on hand to help you remember. The trick with cue cards though is that you do not want your entire speech written on them. This will just distract you further if you get stuck at any point in your speech as you will have to look up the point at which you got stuck. There is also the temptation of reading the entire speech instead of presenting it. Instead, have a few key words that will jump-start your memory and enable you to carry on with the presentation. Once all of that is out of the way, it is time to get to work on those speaking skills.

If you are still not confident in your speaking skills, even after all the work you have put in throughout the semester, it will be time for a new tactic. IMITATE. Watch videos online where people are presenting speeches on your topic. Remember your teacher and what and how they spoke about the topic. Lean on your classmates for support in issues of pronunciation and enunciation. Have one-on-one discussions with your teacher. I’m positive they would be glad to guide you where they are able. Join a club at school or Sharjah college that deals with speaking skills. These clubs are normally set in quite nurturing environments which means that you do not have to worry about being teased or laughed at. Skyline University College has a Toastmasters Club that meets every two weeks. If you would like to know more about the club or join it, feel free to contact the admissions department and they will guide you.

Here is a short ‘checklist’ you could use before you deliver any presentation:

  • Do I have all the information?
  • Have I practiced my presentation a few times?
  • Have I timed my presentation to make sure that it fits with the instruction?
  • How many ‘um’, ‘ah’, ‘so’, ‘and’ etc. do I have in my speech? How can I eliminate these?
  • Are my cue cards ready and appropriate?

The truth of the matter is, that even with all of the tips given to you above, it all comes down to you. You can employ each of the tips and still feel your legs shaking with that first public speech. It is only with constant practice and exposure that you will feel like you are improving. So, PRACTICE.

How to Write College Essays

The College essay is not only an opportunity in which students can show their writing aptitude and skills, but rather a chance for those who are making their transitions to college to prove themselves and amplify their chances for acceptance. This emanates from the fact that in most cases college essays are very much linked with students` college applications. In this blog, an attempt will be made to sketch out some of the essential steps and techniques for writing college essays that are necessary for any student who intends to make a college application.


Step One: Brainstorming

No doubt that brainstorming is one of the most important stages in the writing process. It always functions as the initial stage of any piece of writing. More specifically, when it comes to college essays, it should be noted that one to two weeks are needed to develop, think and figure out the essay topic. Hence, there are some questions that you must ask at the very beginning such as:


  1. What are you like?
  • Here, you need to reflect on your self-awareness. State your personality features: your strength and weakness. Think about where do you think you are different from other people and how did you develop those traits that made you special.
  • Don`t hesitate to consider how do your mates think about you in terms the personality traits.
  • Think about your favorite football teams, movies, books, actors, etc.


  1. What Have you done?
  •  What have you accomplished? Why are you considering them as achievements?
  • Consider what you did outside the classroom environment such as community services.
  • How many times did you fail in doing something that you love?


  1. Where do you want to go?
  • Consider where do you want to be and what are your dreams.
  • What do you want to accomplish in 30 years?
  • Why are you thinking about this particular university and not another one?


Step Two: Selecting an Essay Topic


This is a very significant step in the sense that it`s the stage where you are going to think about a very impressive and original topic that will attract and draw your readers` interest and attention. Consider the following points while you are crafting your essay topic:


  • Is your topic original?
  • Can you develop this topic through some very clear and detailed body paragraphs?
  • Is your essay going to be memorable for those admission officers since they are going to read hundreds of essays like yours?


Select a Story to Tell


It`s widely known that the best pieces of writing including essays are the ones that narrate a story. However, this does not mean that you have to recount your entire life, rather you need to concentrate on some of the most touching moments in your life and share them with your audience.


Step Three: The Essay Writing


This is the most important step in the entire process. This is an upshot of the fact that you need to think about the major reasons that led you to write the essay. Here, you need to take into consideration the fact that you are more or less trying to persuade people and, more importantly, telling them something unique about your personality as an applicant. As a result, having people on your side and attracting their attention is very important in this stage.


The Introduction


Having in mind the fact that admission officers are going to have bundles of essays, you need to have a clear introduction with a clear thesis statement to attract the attention of your audience. Therefore, you need to invent a mystery to grab the attention of those who will read your essay. So, think about a strong topic sentence with a clear controlling idea. Your topic sentence should not be too general and it should not be too specific.


The Body


The body is a very essential part of the essay. It`s the place where you are going to support your strong point that you stated in the introduction. In this stage, you need to bear in mind that all your body paragraphs need to achieve a sense of unity and coherence. This means that they must be all related to the thesis statement or the main idea of the first paragraph, the introduction.


Additionally, be very simple and don`t use jargon. Be very precise, concise, and up to the point. Use transition signals to move from one idea to another smoothly. Use specific examples to anchor your points and develop your main idea.  




In essay writing, the conclusion is considered the last state or chance to persuade the audience and have them on your side. Make sure you followed one of the ways based on which an academic essay conclusion is written. For example, your conclusion should be either a summary of the main points of the entire essay or a restatement of the main idea of the essay stated in the introductory paragraph. Furthermore, make sure that you used all the transition signals correctly.


Step Four: Revise, Revise


The revision stage is no less important than the previous stages. This comes from the fact that when you start writing you might be very excited and this may lead to many errors. As a result, the revision stage is mainly done to detect all errors. Remember to go through the entire essay many times. Surely, every reading will yield some new findings.


Additionally, never hesitate to share your essay with others and get their opinions. You may ask them to check the following:


  • Did I answer the essay’s main question?
  • Is my thesis statement clear to the reader?
  • What method did I adopt in my conclusion? Is it a good choice or no?
  • Do my body paragraphs support my introduction properly?
  • Did my essay achieve unity and coherence?
  • Did I use proper sentence structure?
  • Did I have any run-on sentences?
  • Are my sentences long or short? Should I reconsider this or not?



Simple Rules for Presenting in Public

Simple rules for presenting in public:  If you keep these simple rules in mind, you will be able to write and present an engaging speech, and make your audience remember what you want them to remember.

The first thing is to know your purpose in presenting, if you aren’t sure of your purpose, then your audience won’t know either. Now, your purpose for speaking is not the same thing as your topic or subject.  So what is the purpose for speaking? Well, the most common purposes include the following: to narrate an incident or topic for a specific purpose, to inform people about something, or to persuade people of something.  So in order to succeed in a public presentation, the first thing is for you to maintain a clear sense of why you are writing and giving your speech.  Once you know your purpose you can develop your main supporting points.  These need to be repeated three times during the presentation, they are introduced in the introduction, developed in the main body, and summarized in the conclusion.

Second, make sure to engage your audience; in order to do this, you need to get and keep their attention. The most important part of your presentation, therefore, is the first thirty seconds.  During this brief time window, you must grab the attention of the audience, and engage their interest in what you have to say.  So, how do you do this?  Well, for example, you might start by asking a thought-provoking question that gets your audience thinking about your topic.  This will likely take the form of a rhetorical question, that is a question which you don’t expect anyone to answer, but only to think about. You can then come back to the question later in your presentation and answer it.

You could ask your audience an actual question to get them to respond or interact, something like, “how many of you….” and fill in anything related to your topic to get a show of hands or some similar interactive response that engages members of your audience.  Another thing you might try is to make an interesting or controversial statement, which makes people react strongly, and then you have their attention as they will be interested to see why you are saying something so unusual or provocative.  For instance, if your topic was exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic, you could start by telling your audience that 86% of people have gained up to 3 kilograms during the COVID lockdown according to a study by Body Mass index Journal.

There are also more traditional methods such as using a relevant quote, perhaps from a well-known individual or organization.  You could even tell a joke, if appropriate.  However, be careful here.  Jokes do not travel well across cultural divides and what is appropriate in one context may be unfunny or offensive in another.  Most jokes make fun of someone which can be seen as unkind.  If you choose to use a joke, perhaps try asking Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant to tell you a joke, chances are any joke coming from such a device will be sanitized and generally acceptable.

Once you have your audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds then the next part of your introduction should be to tell them “what you are going to tell them”, i.e.: give them a brief outline of your presentation. Since your audience will hear your words instead of reading them, they won’t be able to go back and re-listen if they don’t understand, that is why we repeat the main ideas three times.  You might explain quickly what your main point is going to be, for example, “Today I want to talk to you about the importance of continuing to exercise and do physical activity safely during the COVID pandemic.”  This includes things you can do while at home, safe ways to exercise out in public spaces, and what to do at the gym or health club to stay safe.” Once you have hooked your audience’s attention and told them about your topic, your speech should move seamlessly to the body of your speech.

When planning, don’t try to put too many ideas into your presentation. Usually two to three main ideas a maximum of five, otherwise your audience will not remember what you have told them. Once you have decided on your main ideas, develop and support all your main points in the main body of your presentation.  When planning your main ideas, try to develop a viewpoint or a position you take such as an opinion, a specific statement about your purpose, an angle, or take a special approach to the subject.  This will help unify your presentation around this central idea.  Perhaps, in our COVID exercise example mentioned above, you could use the idea of safety as a unifying idea.

Once you have your theme, you need to support it with some of the following types of information.  Things like: facts, statistics, comparisons and contrasts, causes and effects, reasons, quotations, summary of ideas, even reference to your personal experiences if they are relevant.  Use this information to support your explanations, your analysis, reasons, interpretations and evaluations.   Advance your purpose by discussing problems, advantages and disadvantages, offer advice, offer solutions, and draw conclusions in order to persuade your audience of your purpose.

When you have your facts together and decided on the method to advance your purpose you need to decide on an organizing principle.  A typical example of an organizing principle for our exercise during the COVID presentation would be to use a “problem–solution.”  In the first part of the body of your speech, you state the problem, for example: “physical activity is very important, but the problem is that we need to keep safe while we exercise”. Then, follow this up with relevant support.  In the second part of the problem-solution organization, you then offer a solution.  For example: “a solution would be to put together an exercise plan where you spend some time doing in-home exercise, some time doing safely distanced public exercise and some time at the gym safely”, again followed by relevant support.

When you are writing your speech remember to write in a conversational tone. To do this, write in fairly short sentences.  Perhaps, write two simple sentences rather than one long, complicated sentence.   You can also use contractions such as I’m and we’re. Before you present, read your speech out loud or into your smartphone voice or video recorder.  If you do this, you will hear if your presentation sounds conversational.  Along with shorter sentences, use concrete details and examples in order to keep your audience interested.  Think which is more effective, a vague statement such as, “physical activity is limited during COVID,” or the more concrete like statements like “we need to change the way we behave during COVID-19 or we will lose our good health.”

When it is time to conclude, this is simple.  Do not introduce any new information.  Summarize your key points much as you did in your introduction.  Then, after your summary, leave your audience with a final thought which will keep them thinking about your presentation and fulfilling your purpose.  Often this will take the form of an appeal to action such as asking your audience to spread your idea or to do something. If you follow these simple rules you will be on your way to being an effective, influential public speaker.

Preparing for an Interview and Body Language Skill

Searching for a job after graduation is the first step to success. As we all know, every job seeker needs to go through an interview before getting a job. Having an interview is the most important step after submitting your CV. If you are called for an interview, it means your CV is well-formed, and you have the right qualifications and expertise. Going through an interview is not as easy as you think; it is important to show a good first impression in front of interviewers. At your first interview, you might be thinking about the right approach to take. In this short article, some tips will be presented to help you prepare yourself and succeed in any interview.

First, once you get a call for an interview, you should go back to the company’s website and search for the position you have applied for and read the job title, duties, tasks, skills required and the department you will be working for. This gives you an idea of what you will be asked about and the expertise that matches your profile.

Second, once you understand the position and the responsibilities, think carefully about any questions related to skills, accomplishments, and experience. Google some common interview questions and get ready to answer these questions about your previous experiences, performance, and duties in other companies. One of the tricky questions you may find is “What are your weaknesses?” Don’t panic! Simply think of something that you struggle with, but you’re working to improve such as public speaking or computer skills. One of the methods that help increase self-confidence is to look at a mirror, ask yourself questions, and answer them. You may also ask your family or friends to act as interviewers to help you practice. Keep practicing until you master the answers with confidence, and without hesitation and frequent pauses.

Third, read about the company you are having an interview with. Search for information about the financial status of the company, projects, successfully completed projects, owner of the company, executive team, competitors, culture, and the company’s goals and vision. Don’t count on the company’s website only. Spend some time on Google to get more information about the company and on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and even in newspapers. You may read employees’ blogs to find out what type of people you will be working with. It will be great if you can approach current or former employees of that company. Companies use different types of interviews such as general questions, quizzes, puzzles, or practical sessions. Because of this, try to ask the HR department about the interview type beforehand so you are not surprised in the interview and fail. Once you know, familiarize yourself with this style so that you enter the interview well prepared. This helps you get a bigger picture of the company itself and will impress the interviewers as it indicates that you are interested in their company and you take the position seriously. This also implies that you can be a potential long-term investment for them.

Importantly, plan your trip a day before the interview. Prepare your clothes and prepare all necessary documents. Prepare a folder or briefcase that includes copies of your updated CV, cover letter, education certificates, training courses, reference letters, previous visible work such as a software program you did or a project you participated in, and a list of questions that you would like to ask such as working hours, reply time, or employee evaluation style. Sleep early the night before in order to wake up energetic. Also, wear proper formal clothes, put on some light perfume, and be smart when you leave for the interview.

Make sure you accurately know the address of the company and the shortest route to the interview venue. It is a good idea to visit the company’s location and explore the area a day before. Time yourself when you go to see how much time you need. Fill your car tank and perform essential car maintenance a day before. If you are planning to use public transportation, make sure you book your ticket and see the schedules. It is very important to arrive 15 to 20 minutes before the actual time of the interview to relax and prepare well. Remember, always be on time!

In the interview, start with a smile and say in a warm tone, “I know we can’t shake hands right now, but it’s a pleasure to meet you” instead of doing the traditional handshake with the interviewers. Be confident and don’t speak unless you are asked to. Answer questions they ask without adding unnecessary information. Focus on the qualities that you are good at but never lie about your expertise. Express your willingness to help for the growth of the company and show your excitement to work in the company. If you can’t hear the question well, politely ask the interviewer to repeat it. Also, show the interviewers that you are ready to improve and that you are flexible with work timing.

 Positive body language is very important. For example, keep natural eye contact with interviewers all the time. Don’t sit cross-legged and look around during the interview. Don’t look distracted! Pay full attention to them, listen carefully, and show respect. Don’t look at your watch, play with a pen or crackle your fingers. Sit professionally and keep your head straight facing the interviewers. Stay calm all the time and never raise your voice.

Once you finish your interview, don’t leave unless you are asked to. Thank the interviewers for giving you the chance and the time for this interview. You may ask about the processing time of your application and if you have any other closing questions. When you arrive home, it is a good idea to send a thank-you email to the company and emphasize that you want the job and that you will make a good asset to the company.

Remember,  it is not the end of the world if you are not picked for this job. There are thousands of jobs out there and all you have to do is keep trying and never give up. One of these jobs will be yours eventually. Good luck!

What is Financial Market in UAE


A financial market refers to a marketplace where the creation and trading of financial assets such as shares, debentures, bonds, derivatives, currencies, etc. take place. It plays a crucial role in allocating limited resources in the country’s economy. It acts as an intermediary between the savers and investors by mobilizing funds between them.

In the United Arab Emirates, there are two financial markets, namely the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) and the Dubai Financial Market (DFM). ADX was set up on November 15, 2000 to trade shares of UAE companies. Apart from Abu Dhabi, it also has trading locations in Al Ain, Fujairah, Sharjah, and Ras Al Khaimah. The Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange is divided into four sectors: Banking Sector, Insurance Sector, Services Sector, and Industry and Hotels Sector.

Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange is considered the 35th largest stock market out of the 110 stock exchanges in the world. As of June 2019, the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange's Market Capitalization has recorded a value of approximately AED 509 billion ($138 billion).

Launched in March 2000, the Dubai Financial Market has become one of the leading markets in the region. The DFM list of equities represents a broad range of economic sectors including major companies from transportation, real estate and construction, investment and financial services, banking, insurance, telecommunications, consumer staples sectors, etc. Just recently, it recorded a market capitalization value of AED 355 billion ($96.65 billion).

To invest in the financial market, any potential investor has to consider several tips. Firstly, ups and downs determine the amount of profit or loss. When you own a stock, you own a piece of that company, and as the value of that company increases, the stock price goes up. However, if the value of that company decreases, the stock price goes down. Secondly, when the company shares its yearly profits with its investors in the form of dividends, the stock price can go up or down dramatically for all kinds reasons and as a result, stocks are the riskiest types of investment in the investor’s plan. Thirdly, investors should take the financial analysis into account to make a sound investment decision. For example, price to earnings ratio and dividend ratio. Finally, investors have to examine the company’s financial structure, the quality of its management and whether it pays steady dividends.

However, there is a way to invest in the financial market that does not leave at risk of losing. Intelligent investors use true analysis to secure safe and steady returns in long-term investment. This is completely different from speculating, in which investors focus on short-term gains made possible by market fluctuation. Speculations are thus very risky, simply because nobody can predict the future precisely.