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MBA Admission Requirements

Direct Entry Requirement - Graduate

All admissions in SUC are guided by Ministerial Decrees # 200/yr. 2004 and 133/yr. 2005; The Standards for Licensure & Accreditation 2019.

An applicant seeking admission for Graduate program is required to fulfill the following three conditions:

  1. Bachelor Degree
  2. English Language Proficiency
  3. Personal Interview
Bachelor Degree Grade

Bachelor’s degree earned in a discipline appropriate for the prospective graduate degree, with a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its established equivalent.

Conditional Admission Requirement - Graduate

The VC reserves the right to admit a prospective graduate student on condition under following circumstances where the student does not satisfactorily meet the admission criteria as per MOE.


The requirements for conditional admission have been detailed below:

Conditional Admission to Business Graduates

Candidates seeking admission in Graduate Program of SUC and is short of meeting CGPA or English language proficiency criteria, which are categorized in the following table, will be considered under conditional admission.


Case-BA: Candidates Having CGPA ≥ 3.0 On 4.0 Scale Not Meeting English Proficiency Requirement




Case-BB: Candidates having CGPA Between 2.5 TO 2.99 




Case-BC: Candidates having CGPA Between 2.0 TO 2.49


Case BC Candidates having CGPA Between 2.0 TO 2.49

Transfer Admission Requirements for Graduate Programs

SUC accepts students who are transferring from a federal or licensed institution in the UAE or a foreign institution of higher learning based outside the UAE and accredited in its home country.
A maximum of 9 credit hours can be accepted as transfer into the MBA Program of SUC provided these credit hours are adequate to meet the requirements for (TOC) procedures:


Transfer of credit is granted under the following conditions:

  1. Applicants seeking transfer to a Graduate program offered at SUC must meet the direct entry. requirements for admission to the Graduate program.
  2. Applicants seeking Transfer admission cannot be conditionally admitted under any circumstances.
  3. The course contents mentioned in the Course Syllabus of the previous institution should match to a minimum of 75% of the SUC Syllabus of the corresponding course.
  4. The student must attend a minimum of 75% of the credit hours of their study plan at SUC.
  5. The credit hours completed must be equivalent to or higher than the corresponding courses offered at SUC.
  6. Must have passed the course with a minimum of ‘B’ grade or equivalent and an overall CGPA of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0.
  7. Transfer of credits can not be awarded to the Dissertation course, Capstone courses and protected courses.
  8. Once TOC is granted and the graduation plan is signed by the student, the student cannot challenge the TOC decision during the progression of the course.
  9. Students of SUC may be permitted to pursue courses at any other Higher Education Institution only in extreme circumstances with prior approval from the Administration and VC.
  10. SUC does not credit twice for substantially the same course taken at two different institutions.
  11. The grades of transferred courses will not be included while calculating the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA).
  12. The TOC processing fee is non-refundable (as per the applicable fee structure).
  13. Once the acceptable transfer of credits is decided, the student is informed about the applicable fee based on the courses accepted for transfer of credits and the student can then proceed for registration.
  1. Documents Required

Transfer admission students must submit the following documents:

  1. The official transcript from accredited institutions.
  2. Detailed syllabi (Credit Value, Level, detailed course content, learning outcomes/objective and indicative learning resources).
  3. An official letter from the previous institution.
  4. All documents mentioned in the admission requirements.
  5. Applicable processing fee (non-refundable) must be paid for evaluation.
  6. Once a student will change his/her concentration, he/she must reapply for the TOC with the applicable fee.
  1. Criteria for Approval of Institutions for Accepting Transfer Admissions

SUC will accept transfer of credits only from the Institutions, which fulfills any of the following criteria:

  1. Accredited by the Ministry of Education, UAE.
  2. Accredited by the Central or Regional accreditation bodies in the United States of America.
  3. Accredited by the UGC Grants Commission of India.
  4. Accredited by the HEC Grants Commission of Pakistan.
  5. Approved by the Quality Assurance Agency in Education, U.K.
  6. Accredited/recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education for all other countries from where the student is seeking admission.

Criteria for Approval of Institutions for accepting Transfer Admissions

MBA Qualifying (Bridging) Program (MQP).

MBA Qualifying Program (MQP) Courses

A candidate seeking admission to MBA program with a Bachelor’s Degree (3 years and above) obtained from a non-business discipline is required to undergo a bridging program composed of seven MQP courses. In case a candidate has already completed any of the MQP courses in the Bachelor degree, he/she may be exempted from such courses provided they submit an official transcript for evaluation at the time of. However, the decision for the exemption will be made jointly by the Dean and VC upon carefully reviewing the course contents as per SUC TOC policy.


The following are the courses required to complete the MQP to establish the required knowledge for a student before enrolling into the MBA program.




All these courses are equivalent to 3 credit hours at BBA level. These credits cannot be used for replacing any of the MBA level courses as these will be treated non-credit bearing courses and are only for the purpose of completing MQP and no transcript shall be issued. Most of these courses are offered at the SUC BBA program enabling the aspirants to pick up any of these courses during the regular semesters of the BBA program or opt for MQP schedule.

Admission to People of Determination

SUC admits People of determination after a due process of understanding the learning abilities and the approaches of teaching to them is clearly understood. SUC facilitates the special needs student by allocating extra time to help them learn without sacrificing the syllabus and the rigor required in it.

Upon meeting the admission requirements, the candidates shall be interviewed by the concerned teaching faculty members under the guidance of a committee, which shall be formed as and when required and the outcomes of the interview are recorded and communicated to the candidate and the Vice Chancellor for necessary actions. The interview shall be focused on:

  1. To understand the nature of shortcomings.
  2. To understand the learning abilities, assessment modes, additional time required for completion.
  3. To understand the learning abilities through computer.
  4. To understand their skill levels in assessing.