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Knowledge Update

The fundamental component of Industry 4.0: Cyber-Physical System

The initial three industrial revolutions have had a significant impact on human existence and commerce, resulting in a period of prosperity.

Improving IoT-based E-Learning Authentication and Security Using Blockchain Technology

Electronic learning (e-learning) is a cutting-edge technology that provides a powerful and scalable learning platform.

Digital Gadgets and Health Hazards

Digital gadgets have become a necessity in digital era of modern life style.

Creative Writing

Creative writing deviates from the conventions of academic or technical literature and is a fictional and creative type of writing.

Why Graphics Processing Units for Cryptocurrency Mining!

Graphics processing units (GPUs) have been a key component of high-performance computing for the past ten years, and they continue to make strides in emerging industries like cryptocurrency mining, the Internet of Things, autonomous driving, and massively parallel computing.

Why do teachers prefer to use problem solving in teaching mathematics?

In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, mathematics was the driving force behind virtually all technical and scientific advancements.

Implementing sustainability policies in higher education institutions

Sustainability is a way of living that tries to create a balance between the economic, social, and environmental performance of an organization. 

The Future of SMART Cities

No doubt that the world is undergoing many fundamental changes in all aspects of economic, political, social, and technological life.

Do effective decisions require us to be emotional?

There is a strong belief that even with the logical decisions we make, there are a lot of emotions feeding that logic. Professionals try to assure that people can put aside their feelings while they are making a particular decision, but in reality, that is almost impossible.

Feminism and Feminine Writings in United Arab Emirates: Reflection on the Philosophy and Writings of Mariam Al Ghafli

Women`s writing or in a border sense literary works written and produced by women is one of the central issues in women`s and gender studies.